Brakes Housing

Cut two brake housing supports and one top per dimensions on sk-10.

SK 10

figure sk-10

The brakes consist of three components, the housing, the arm and linkage assembly, and the pedal.  The housing is made up of two supports and a top piece, as shown in figure sk-10. Note that front support has a pulley and an eyebolt installed.

Cut a notch on the middle of the end of one of the supports.  Mount a pulley in this notch. This is for the brake cable.  This support goes in the forward position with the pulley over the hole in the frame for the brake arm.  Drill pilot holes for the support and fasten with 3″ wood screws.  Mount the rear support to the frame in the same manner per dimensions on sk-10.

Install the two housing supports to the frame with wood screws from underneath the frame as shown in figure sk-11.

SK 11

figure sk-11


Posted in Brakes.